ICD-10: The Elephant in the Room
While it is most likely that physicians will not be entering their own codes on a regular basis, some will do so, either by requirement...

The "October Surprise"
It is T-1year and counting for implementation of ICD-10 next Oct 2015. The article Fifty-one Percent “Somewhat” Ready for ICD-10, states...
Revenue Cycle Management
In the article 63% of practice management software purchases are replacements, the author states that “providers are currently ripping...

Understanding the Complexity of Medical Billing
Health Care:Resolving Billing Problems and Claim Denials explains the complexity of the medical billing system for average consumers and...

Billing Strategies
Cuomo administration pushes for out-of-network billing protection Figuring out real costs, charged costs, in-network, out-of network,...