The "October Surprise"
It is T-1year and counting for implementation of ICD-10 next Oct 2015. The article Fifty-one Percent “Somewhat” Ready for ICD-10, states...
Cash Flow
In the article Inadequate EHR training leads to rejected Medicare claims, the author reported that the health system lost their Medicare...

Decrease the # of Clicks and Improve Navigation
In the article How to Beat the Clock, Dr. Silverman is not ready for pasture. You think you’re seeing as many patients as you possibly...

Why “Xpress Technologies”???
With the many choices available for the Electronic Health Record and Practice Management, why would you choose Xpress Technologies? 1. ...

Show Me the Money!
Medical billing is a huge factor in the day-day running of a medical practice. The issues are endless but can be controlled. In the...

High Deductible Problems and Solutions
With Higher Deductibles, Physicians Must Collect Bills in Office, Reports Practice Management Expert Zupko, physicians will be compelled...

Converting to ICD-10
8 Tips to Help With the ICD-10 Transition suggestions were to compile the most common codes, send in both ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes during...

Cloud Computing
When installing a new Electronic Health Record or making a switch, the question always comes up is the program in the cloud or on a local...

Beware the “Claw Backs” !
In the Meaningful Use Incentives: The Big Give Back article, author Jim Tate relays the message of a hospital system giving back $31...

"Take Me to the Emergency Room"
A new study found that Expanding Health Coverage Increases Emergency Room Use. Study: Expanding Health Coverage Increases Emergency Room...