Tai Chi for Health-care Practitioners
I recently started taking TAI CHI lessons to improve my balance, flexibility, and coordination. It looks pretty easy on movies but does...

Surviving “Migration” To a New System
Many Practices are faced with the necessity of changing their Electronic Health Records vendor for a variety of reasons. These may...

20 Ways to Create More Time...
Whether in active practice, or in retirement, identify activities with which you want to fill your days and hours. The following...

Being Honest about Electronic Health Record Costs
In the article Hospitals face budget woes with switch to electronic records, Brigham and Women’s, one of the most famous and profitable...

Preserving the Mental and Physical Health of the “Graveyard Workers”
In the article 8 Ways Working the Night Shift Hurts Your Health, authors suggest that working night shifts can lead to 1. Sleep disorders...

The Time of the Highest Risk in Emergency Medicine
Medical care has always claimed that certain timeframes as critical to life and limb. Examples are 1) The “Golden Hour of Trauma,” 2) 90...

We're on the "Eve of Destruction"
In the song We're on the Eve of Destruction, singer Barry McGuire laments the end of western civilization due to endless worldwide strife...

Cost of a Click
In the article, The Hidden Cost of a Click, the author states, “A bad user interface can turn an EMR/HER into a minefield of medical...

Can EHR Software Help Get You Paid?
The author of can EHR software help get you paid examines the benefits of the electronic health record to improve billing and collections....

Key Performance Indicators
Key Performance Indicators or KPIs are defined goals that are measured to show the progress of an organization meeting these goals. ...